Köszönöm szépen a hozzászólásokat. A felniszélesség kérdésére nem is gondoltam, csak azt méregettem, hogy elférne-e a szélesebb gumi. Azóta megnéztem, a Fulcrum Racing 5 felnik ETRTO 15c méretűek. Most, hogy felnyitottátok a szemem, kicsit gugliztam, és találtam egy elég jó cikket a témában, belinkelem, hátha valaki még nem olvasta:
(A cikkben idézett felniméret - gumiszélesség ajánlás amúgy 15c-hez 23-32 mm közötti gumiszélességet tart elfogadhatónak.)
Nagyjából azokat írja, amiket én is tapasztaltam magamnak. Inkább pár psi-t egy keskenyebb külsőből, ha keskeny a felni, mint, egy nagy bumszli gumit rá, ami mókásan viselkedik kanyarodáskor.
A 23C tire on a 15C wheel – this is the likely stock or alloy upgrade wheel and tire combination you have as a baseline. You know how this rides. What follows are your options.
A 25C tire on a 15C wheel – somewhat improved comfort over a 23C tire but worsened speed and handling. Better to reduce pressure 5psi or so on 23C tire for better comfort without losing handling performance. Neither combination is going to be an aero star.
A 25C tire on a 17C wheel – better comfort but no better speed or handling than a 23C tire on a 15C wheel. 23C tire on 17C wheel at right pressure will get you somewhat improved comfort with improved aero if the rim has at least a rounded nose rather than box or V profile.
A 25C tire on 19C or wider wheel – best comfort, improved speed and handling over options above. A nice set-up for long endurance rides at a good average speed (18mph/29kph or higher)
A 23C tire on a 19C or wider wheel – best speed and handling combination. If you’ve chosen this set-up, crits and road races are probably high on your list and comfort further down your list of what matters though there are plenty of wheelsets in this width that will be plenty comfortable to start without the need of a wider tire.
The problem comes when riders, having read about all the benefits of wider tires, mount a pair of them on the 15C wide alloy stock wheels that came with most of our new bikes or the upgrade alloy wheels sold by most of the leading wheel makers for the last 3-5 years. A 25C tire on a 15C wheel can feel squishy, even more so if you’ve reduced the air pressure to get more comfort. This squishy feel is a symptom of the tire losing its shape and its tendency to fold back on itself. This is the opposite of the improved handling you are looking for by going to a wider tire.
In the worst circumstances, a tire that’s too wide for its rim can experience a Type 1 pinch flat when you are cornering at speed as shown an earlier drawing or the tire bead can pull away from the rim hook, also resulting in a flat. Not good, to say the least.
Vejne módosította - 2017. január 20. - 12:05