egy nagyon erdekes osszevetes, foleg az utolso ket szekcio - ujra keskeny gumi lesz a meno?
meg kiegeszitenem meg azzal, hogy minel ballonosabb vmi, a hajtasi oldalon egy csillapitatlan tomeget pumpalsz folyamatosan, amire a gordulesi tesztek nem igazan adnak valaszt. montin kiegeszitve azzal, hogy az adott minta hogy viselkedik a ket szelso helyzetben. pl van olyan minta, ami "taposva" aszfalton baromira szetterul, es ez ugyan elonyos tapadasi oldalrol, de olyan, mintha homokban tekernel. vagy hogy viselkedik a minta eltero feluleteken. sokkal komplexebb dolog lenne ez, mint egy dobon merni.
Rolling Resistance at Recommended Air Pressures (15% tire drop)
Rolling Resistance at the Same Comfort Level (4.5 mm tire drop)
But wait...
In the previous tests where we tested all tires at the same air pressures, the bigger tires had a lower rolling resistance. At the same air pressure, a bigger tire will be less comfortable as tire drop will be less and subsequently works as a harder spring.
So why not just run 23 mm tires and get the aero benefit? At some point, a 23 mm tire isn't able to provide the same comfort level as a 32 mm tire anymore. The smaller tire will start bottoming out and you'll get pinch flats when the inner tube gets squeezed between the tire and rim.
Edited by arn, 2019. February 26. - 12:02.