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Üdv - Anti
Én örülök, hogy írtál, mert, bár nem hivatalos úton, de létrejöhet, egyfajta kommunikáció. Merem remélni, hogy tudsz angolul, lefordítani most nincs energiám, de álljon itt egy olasz nemzeti park montis szabályzata. Szerintem elég tanulságos, s szeretném megélni, ha itthon is valaha ez így tudna mûködni. Különösen az 1. pontot imádom, szerintem gyönyörû megfogalmazás.

For around fifteen years the mountain bike has affirmed itself as an ecological and environment-friendly device, soon
to become a symbol of sensibility and respect for our natural surroundings and at the same time an opportunity to
pleasurably gain and maintain a healthy physique. A device that offers liberty and freedom of movement, the
opportunity to invent a new itinerary everyday and test your physical and psychological limits in the face of fatigue
and the environment you find yourself in.
It is exactly this dimension of the struggle, where you confront with real internal and external thresholds, that
deserves a few proposed suggestions to the lovers of this wonderful sport by means of reflection. The prime goal being
to encourage behaviour inspired by the individual's sense of responsibility.
01 • The mountain bike was invented to give thrills, a rewarding adventure not as a tool in the hunt for the impossible,
or worse still, as a mechanical weapon to test the laws of gravity. Furthermore to guarantee your safety, use it with
logic and without exasperation, choose only those paths which present adequate terrain, inclines and spaces. There
are marked routes throughout Trentino, thousands of forest roads away from the traffic, connected cycling paths in
the bottom of every valley, whilst in the ecologically sensitive areas such as the nature parks there are some places
where it is prohibited to cycle.
02 • Pedestrians have always right of way; approach them considerately in a way that they have enough time to
become aware of your presence, do not believe that you are superior only because you travel faster, a greeting does
not cost a thing. Others' opinions of the sport you love depend on your behaviour as well.
03 • Prepare with care your excursions, ask for information at the territorial tourist offices, consult maps and
altimeters not forgetting to check the weather forecasts, take an ample supply of drinks and energy foods. Ground rule:
in the mountains it is always best not to venture on excursions alone, go off the marked paths, roads or tracks. Avoid
paths where the width is inferior to the length of your means. Completely avoid going through long grass, try to keep
erosion to a minimum: the intelligent cyclist does not leave traces of his presence.
04 • Respect the signs, the no entry and private property signs. Get informed about imposed restrictions for the
protection of the environment in areas of particular value. Also those who come after you should find signs, gates,
barriers in the areas of pasture for animals: therefore leave them how you found them.
05 • Value your ability objectively, comparing it to the characteristics of the route, plan stages for your excursions,
obviously leaving the more challenging for the end of the season, when your legs are stronger. Check that your bicycle
is in a good condition each time before departure, do not forget a small tool kit to fix the frequent punctures,
appropriate clothing and a helmet, fastened on uphill paths too.
06 • Many uphill lifts in Trentino allow you to go up comfortably with your bike, often following the winter ski
carousels from valley to valley: choosing your downhill slope, either prefer the ski slopes or otherwise the services
routes. You should have a sense of your limits; your speed must be linked to your technique and the conditions of the
terrain. Avoid as a rule those slopes in descent that you would be unable to manage in ascent.
07 • If the descents are the most rewarding part of the excursion, they also represent the most delicate. Keep to the
right of paths without visibility, face every curve as though you could encounter another cyclist, test your brakes often,
pay attention to humid or wet tracks, avoid hasty braking that destroys the soil as well as knocks you off balance.
08 • Respect nature, you are guests of a fragile environment in its beauty and vulnerability. Do not leave rubbish,
leave instead the flowers and plants as you found them, take away only the memories and any rubbish. If you have
the pleasurable (and frequent) experience of meeting a wild animal, try not to frighten it and give it time to take its
09 • Try and be a good example to all other cyclists through your behaviour on the saddle. Only in this way can each
excursion be an opportunity to gain positive experiences, measuring your strength and technical abilities.