tévedés, a Judy C-ben van olaj, a Judy TT-ben nincs. Ugyhogy inkább a RS, mint az a exr. szvsz 8)
Tam: A Judy C-ben nincs olaj,legalábbis a 2002, és 2003 -asban nincs...
RockShox Judy C
X Country or Enduro
Travel: 80 or 100 mm
Weight: 4.23 lb. (1.90 kg)
Spring: Single Coil (80 mm) or Coil Spring/MCU (100 mm)
Damping: MCU (100 mm)
Axle to crown: 451 or 468 +/- 3 mm
Axle to crown, compressed: 371 +/- 3 mm
Tire capacity: 2.4"
Offset/rake: 39 mm
Crown: Aluminum
Steerer tube: Steel
Upper tubes: 28 mm nitrided steel w/boots
Lower legs: Magnesium
Fork colors: Silver, Black, Red
Crown color: Aluminum
Features: 100 mm travel available // MCU damping (100 mm only) // Preload adjustment
Upgrades over Judy TT: 100 mm travel available, MCU damping (100 mm only), Weight savings, Magnesium lower legs
Weights are based on 160 mm steerer tube pre-production models and may vary. Specifications and call-outs are preliminary and are subject to change without notice.