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Érdekes, a DéBé által linkelt zenét nem szeretem, de ez egész elmegy :)

Más: Lostprophets - Can't Catch Tomorrow
White Horse

Nothing is impossible. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cipõ!!! :)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minden jóban van valami grammánia.




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Everlast- What its like
Skunk Anansie feat. Maxim - Carmen Queasy

"Aki nevet,azzal együtt nevet a világ.Aki sír,az egyedül sír..." Oldboy




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Ajánlatokat kérnék kortárs jazz-re...mint LTC, Kyoto Jazz Massive..stb...
/// Demalgon /// mert balul ütött be az élet, pedig jobbat vártam ///
de hiszen mindeki tudja, h az életet nem érdemes végigélni
Expinálom a pinarámát.




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Goran Bragovic Eurovision Beograd 2008:





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Kaptok egy kis ukrán/orosz zenét, hogy átérezzétek milyen egy kinti zenecsatorna.

Gorod 312 - 213 Dorog
Angel-a - Prostaya Devcsonka
Basta Guf - Moya Igra

Volt még egy, amibõl csak a refrén maradt meg: mir mir mir mur mur mur :)
"Ha nem lehetsz a legjobb, légy a legrosszabb!"





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K-k-k-k-k****nagy zene és klip:
Beat Dis - Humanoid

Magyar csapat, magyar énekesnõvel kiegészülve!
Akinek Judy Jay hangjából nem elég (nem-nem-soha...:)), annak még:
"In idem flumen bis non descendimus"




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doboljunk egy kicsit

"Hogy soha többet ne fordulhasson elõ veled,hogy egy kapcsolatban elfogy a színes ceruzád! ":)




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Shiny Toy Guns - You Are The One




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Tokodon ment egy zene, de nem hallottam pontosan a szövegét, valami ilyesmi volt:
"We live, we live uh ah, uh ah" vagy ehhez hasonló, de hallottam már ezt a számot valamelyik filmben is.
Valaki sejti, hogy mi lehet ez?

Ok, megvan. Ezt kerestem:

[highlight] The bike way of life [/highlight]




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Tokodon ment egy zene, de nem hallottam pontosan a szövegét, valami ilyesmi volt:
"We live, we live uh ah, uh ah" vagy ehhez hasonló, de hallottam már ezt a számot valamelyik filmben is.
Valaki sejti, hogy mi lehet ez?

[highlight] The bike way of life [/highlight]




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Goulash Exotica - A Zöld Martzi nótája
Balkan Fanatik - Elment az én rózsám
Badmarsh and Shri: Dancing Drums

"Aki nevet,azzal együtt nevet a világ.Aki sír,az egyedül sír..." Oldboy




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Sam Sparro - Black and Gold
Sei, soku Si.




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Sneakr Pimps - Low place like home

"Aki nevet,azzal együtt nevet a világ.Aki sír,az egyedül sír..." Oldboy




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a reklám alatt futó szám címe és elõadója kellene nekem...

ha valaki tudja jelezze légyszi....




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Belga - Felveszem a Nyújork Jenkis kabátom




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A mai napra ;)

When I was a sperm - when I was a sperm.......

Sei, soku Si.




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Jó reggelt!

Feltöltött kép

"Aki nevet,azzal együtt nevet a világ.Aki sír,az egyedül sír..." Oldboy


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A mai napra ;)

When I was a sperm - when I was a sperm

When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn but the one thing I knew was I could not remain
In my environment, the predicament hectic, I had to get out quick through my daddy
You know the term, but do I have to say it, time to get out 'cause he's about to spray it
I had to swim through the gym and the pool is crowded but I wouldn't stop, you think I did
About a million and one other brothers were pursuing me as I swam for the ovaries
I got to find one, got to get with one, just like my dad did before he called me kid
One time resident of the prostate, now I make my home the placenta
Down the road I will wear my Adidas, but for now call me foetus

When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm I had a lot to learn
When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm
When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm I had a lot to learn
When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm

Oh when I was a sperm I had this crazy dilemma, I had to reach my mother, I had to get up in her
Though I'm not talkin' about incest or sex 'cause when I think I might do, kill much respect
To my moms and my pops, my brothers and my sisters too, you on the scene
But you don't know what to do, as your numbers increase do you keep the peace
Or fight with the beast that you never think about, because he's one of you
So what you gonna do, I think it's time, clean your mind, get off your behind
And make a man of you, and I'm a tell you true, you need your woman and your naked
And your whole damn crew, one time resident of the project, now I make my home on the planet
Earth belongs to continental, I'm not the own kin, submit to win ... check it

When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm I had a lot to learn
When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm
When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm I had a lot to learn
When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm

When I was an egg I didn't have to beg, I knew what to do I could see 'em comin' through
It was our destiny and he was messin' me, now we care and we share and we dare
To start our life as one, it has begun, and so we sing a little song as we grow
And the tummy is on my mummy, the harmony in the chord of umbilical is so angelical
Even though I never knew my pop, yo I gave him proxy, but now it's all about me and the family
All the black man make it African, understand that the human family, I am neither Jew nor Gentile
Why is a scene now free or locked out from under the ....... now
I seen the face of great god almighty, I know you're horny and I would OPP
But wait a minute before you jump on in it, the boots your knockin', the girl you're rockin'
The bead the mom of your unbord child, blow your row, hoe your poe, and think awhile
Sperm like men these days bear inspection, AIDS like rabies bite through infection
Babies maybe come from ....... ill conceived from the ghetto ... check it

When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm I had a lot to learn
When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, I had a lot to learn, when, when I was a sperm
Yeah, when I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, when I was a sperm I had a lot to learn
When I was a sperm I had a lot to learn, I had a lot to learn, yeah, when I was a sperm




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Mattafix - Living Darfur
Sei, soku Si.